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12 lots found matching "Three Days in May (GB)" ExcelPrint

Summary Lots Sold Total Sales AverageAv. MedianMed. Top Price
Selected Lots 7 633,000 90,429 85,000 200,000
Online 2 3,800 1,900 1,900 2,000
LotSale NamebySireexDam Consignor Purchaser Price
445   AUT 16 BY Born To Sea (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), B.C. Naval Warfare (IRE) Jamie Railton (Agent) Lot Withdrawn
957   AUT 17 BY Born To Sea (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), B.C. Naval Warfare (IRE) Park House Stables (A. Balding) Chris Waller Racing 160,000
2529   DEC 02 BY Cadeaux Genereux EX Corn Futures (GB), B.F. Three Days in May (GB) Somerville Lodge Stables Highflyer Bloodstock 7,500
1505   DEC 04 BY Cadeaux Genereux EX Corn Futures (GB), B.M. Three Days in May (GB) Norman Court Stud Lot Withdrawn
659   OC1 10 BY Clodovil (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), B.C. (IRE) Rathasker Stud, Ireland Blandford Bloodstock 85,000
299   OC1 12 BY Clodovil (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), Gr.F. (IRE) Rathasker Stud, Ireland Peter & Ross Doyle Bloodstock 150,000
1609   DEC 22 BY Clodovil (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), Gr.M. Manderley (IRE) Barton Sales Mike Akers Agent 200,000
22   OCA 23 BY Clodovil (IRE) EX Three Days in May (GB), B.H. A Nomination to Gregorian (IRE) Michael C Grassick £1,800
53   OMA 24 BY Clodovil (IRE) EX Three Days in May (GB), B.H. 1/50th Share in Gregorian (IRE) a Gentleman Littlejohn Bloodstock 2,000
101   DEY 16 BY Invincible Spirit (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), B.C. (IRE) Rathasker Stud, Ireland Lot Withdrawn
1226   AUT 18 BY Invincible Spirit (IRE) EX Three Days In May (GB), B.C. Calendimaggio (IRE) West Ilsley Stables (M. Channon) Musayer Alshammari 1,500
986   DEF 06 BY Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) EX Three Days in May (GB), B.F. Norman Court Stud Luke Barry 29,000