3 lots found matching "Sequilla (FR)" ExcelPrint

Summary Lots Sold Total Sales AverageAv. MedianMed. Top Price
Selected Lots 2 330,000 165,000 165,000 185,000
LotSale NamebySireexDam Consignor Purchaser Price
48   CBU 23 Sea The Stars (IRE) / Sequilla (FR) B.C. (IRE) Mocklershill, Ireland Avenue Bloodstock 185,000
69   DEY 22 Sea The Stars (IRE) / Sequilla (FR) B.C. (IRE) Gestuet Faehrhof, Germany Peter & Ross Doyle Bloodstock 145,000
564   JUL 24 Sea The Polaris (IRE) B.C. BY Sea The Stars (IRE) EX Sequilla (FR) UPDATE Avenue Sales WB X 531