Consignor: Ronald Rauscher, Agent
October Yearling Sale, Book 1 2010 lot 248, Whatton Manor Stud=>Emma O'Gorman 24,000 gns
Autumn Horses In Training Sale 2021 lot 645 Favorite Moon (GER) (G. by Sea The Moon (GER)), Somerville Lodge Ltd. (W. Haggas), Agent=>Shamrock Thoroughbreds 90,000 gns
Autumn Horses in Training Sale 2019 lot 174 Flammarion (GER) (G. by Sea The Moon (GER)), The Castlebridge Consignment=>David O'Meara 21,000 gns
October Yearling Sale, Book 1 2018 lot 367 Favorite Moon (GER) (C. by Sea The Moon (GER)), Stauffenberg Bloodstock=>William Haggas 125,000 gns
December Foal Sale 2017 lot 915 C. by Sea The Moon (GER) 2017, Stauffenberg Bloodstock=>Vendor 100,000 gns