Consignor: Longways Stables, Ireland
February Sale 2024 lot 279, Jamie Railton (Agent)=>Sas Saubouas Bloodstock Agency 25,000 gns
December Mare Sale 2021 lot 1532 Guerre d'Amour (IRE) (F. by Camelot (GB)), Whatton Manor Stud=>Vendor 45,000 gns
Guineas Breeze Up Sale 2016 lot 98 F. by Rip Van Winkle (IRE) 2014, Longways Stables, Ireland=>Frederick Reuterskiold 25,000 gns
Autumn Horses in Training Sale 2015 lot 1229 La Cuesta (IRE) (F. by Showcasing (GB)), The Old Malthouse (J. Osborne)=>Dehesa de Milagro SL 22,000 gns
Craven Breeze Up Sale 2014 lot 88 F. by Showcasing (GB) 2012, Seven Springs Stables=>Jamie Osborne 50,000 gns
October Yearling Sale, Book 2 2011 lot 597 F. by Duke of Marmalade (IRE) 2010, Plantation Stud=>K Prendergast 20,000 gns
December Mare Sale 2010 lot 2181 Age of Refinement (IRE) (F. by Pivotal (GB)), Plantation Stud=>Blandford Bloodstock 4,000 gns