Consignor: The Castlebridge Consignment
September Yearling Sale 2016 lot 101, Ballyhane=>Eoghan O'Neill €18,000
December Mare Sale 2023 lot 1537 Delmona (IRE) (M.), Baroda Stud, Ireland=>Vendor 220,000 gns
Autumn Horses In Training Sale 2021 lot 745 Delmona (IRE) (F.), Manor House Stables LLP (T. Dascombe)=>Red Baron's Barn & Rancho Temescal 170,000 gns
September Yearling Sale 2020 lot 193 F. 2019, Ballyhane=>SackvilleDonald £44,000
September Yearling Sale 2018 lot 446 C. 2017, Ballyhane=>A C Elliott, Agent for Middleham Park €55,000
Autumn Horses In Training Sale 2022 lot 1331 Northern Diplomat (IRE) (G. by Camacho (GB)), The Castlebridge Consignment=>Ajab Alkaadir 4,500 gns